Four Hands Therapy

Four hands therapy, also known as four-handed massage, is a type of massage therapy that involves two therapists working on a single client. As the name suggests, four hands therapy is performed with four hands, allowing for a more comprehensive and relaxing massage experience.
During a four hands therapy session, the two therapists work in unison to provide a synchronized massage. The therapists may use a combination of massage techniques, such as Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, or Thai massage, to provide a full-body massage that is both therapeutic and relaxing.

Four hands therapy can also be a great option for individuals who have trouble relaxing during a massage, as the sensation of four hands working together can be highly calming and soothing. The four hands massage can also be customized to meet the specific needs and preferences of each individual client.

The Benefits

The benefits of four hands therapy can include deep relaxation, stress relief, improved circulation, and reduced muscle tension. The synchronized massage can help to create a sense of balance and harmony throughout the body, as well as provide a more comprehensive massage experience
Overall, four hands therapy is a highly effective and enjoyable massage experience that can help to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve overall physical and emotional well-being. It is a unique and rejuvenating massage therapy option that is well-suited for individuals of all ages and backgrounds.

3 easy step

How It works?

01 Meeting


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02 Treatment


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03 Finalizing


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